Thursday, March 6, 2008

Too Young to Drink

Curtis and I got a good chuckle out of this. We have been making our drinks most nights when we are getting ready to calm down for the evening, unwind a little, and watch our movies. Lucy has been starting to understand what food is. Reaching for our drinks, trying to lean forward and snaging a piece of our dinner, and watching INTENSELY as we bring food to our mouths. It is cute, but when she stares that much it also makes me feel like maybe we don't feed her enough :) But the funniest part of it all is watching her face when she drank our ginger ale/cran-apple concoction.


  1. So cute! I love the look on her face!

  2. My Garrett also does this, with glasses of ice water. He LOVES it, and I can hardly fill a glass for myself without him trying to snatch it out of my hands. That silly boy.

    Cute video!

  3. Oh that's funny! We have a picture of my son trying green beans at that age and his look is about the same.

  4. Thanks for the giggle!! She is sooo cute, and what a great video!

  5. Ha! That is something to show her when she gets older. :-)

  6. AHHHHHHH! that is so funny that she makes such an awful face about it and then wants more!

  7. That is so funny - what a face!

  8. Tell her if her parents are torturing her she can come live with Aunt Michelle.

  9. I think its time for Lucy to try Oreos-my daughter loved those and it was hilarious watching her suck on them. I loved your can ideas-we no longer use formula but I remember using those cans for all kinds of stuff. I think we still have one for things to do on Sunday afternoon.

  10. It's amazing how much kids really do notice. Very cute :)

  11. That's just too cute! She's adorable.

  12. Funny! Our 5 year old still won't drink soda.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!


    thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. Oh man, what a cutie! Look at her little hands grab that glass! That is so funny!!!
    My hubby gave Joey and Tommy a sip of beer thinking it would repulse them and they would never ask again. It backfired. Now every time Todd wants to have a beer they hound him. Little sassies!

  15. That is the most adorable thing I've seen today. (All I've seen is vomitting kids, so it's all relative. lol)

  16. I am in love with Miss Lucy. OMG...she's adorable!!!!!

  17. Yeah it's funny...funny until someone gets the cran-apple splatters.

    By the way, I wouldn't have to read your blog to know you are funny, your picture was enough to make me laugh out loud. I thought, "Yesssss, I can roll with this girl."

    Thanks for stopping by today, and your baby is sooo cute!!!

  18. i LOVE this video. she's awesome. the funniest thing is when i read your post quickly, i though you two had fixed yourself drink drinks (alchohol) and i was like "oh my goodness".

  19. way to go today babe i love you!

  20. She is so cute! Enjoyed the video!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. Have a great weekend.

  21. Oh, I truly did get a kick out of that! It looks like that drink has a kick all its own! ;)

  22. That was so cute!
    Check out my post about Faith eating peas. I LOVE the faces babies make with their food. It's killer.

  23. i love that face! she is adorable!

  24. that is way to funny. What a cutie.

  25. That is just wonderful, what a great stage to be at just starting to learn what the world is about!
