A survival guide to everyday motherhood

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I am a photography fanatic. I love taking pictures, tweaking pictures, and finding the beauty in every day items

Friday, March 12, 2010

Color Me Mine Pottery

Years ago Curtis and I found this fun little art studio chain called Color Me Mine. It is a pleasant little place where you can go and pick out ceramic pieces to paint and Color Me Mine will fire them for you and get them ready.

Curtis and I have enjoyed this place several times. The first time we went Curtis was taking me to be nice... he knows that I enjoy that kind of "artsy fartsie stuff" and he was just trying to be a good boyfriend by taking me. And it did score him brownie points he was looking for.

But as the years have past and the more we have gone, the more Curtis has gotten into it. We go about once a year and we always make some kind of mug. Our goal is to never have to buy another mug again; we will only want to have these hand painted family mugs. Curtis's goal is to have our children fight over who gets what mug when we kick the bucket. A warm sentiment, right?

Color Me Mine makes pottery fun and simple. They provide anything and everything you can think of and are more than happy to help you along the way. You pay $8 as the studio fee, this will cover the cost of all paint that you want, brushes, sponges, puff paint, and firing fee. Then you can pick and pay for what piece you would like to paint. The pieces can cost anything from $5 to $100... they have animals, mugs, plates, pitchers, cookie jars, platters, giant gargoyles, and much much more. Curtis and I usually go for a simple $8 mug.

The employees there love to help you out and much as they can and seem to like a challenge. This last time we went, Curtis decided that he was going to pre-plan what he wanted to put on his mug before we got there. We are really into a card game called Killer Bunnies, so Curtis figured that he would make a Killer Bunny mug and brought in some pictures to copy. When we got there they were so helpful and help Curtis copy his photo, enlarge it, and turn it into a transfer where he could simply trace the image onto the mug. It turned out great and Curtis was thrilled with it.

We have been thrilled with that place every time we have gone. The only down side we have faced is that we never seem to plan enough time there. As we get more and more into it, we have spent more and more time trying to get our mugs perfect.

Color Me Mine is just a great place for people of all ages. I have seen little 3 & 4 year olds there painting animal figurines with mommy and adult parties taking painting lessons. They offer classes, birthday parties, and even have school programs. So go and check out if there is a Color Me Mine in your neighborhood, it is a fun family activity/date night/girls hang out.


  1. sounds like a great place

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! This sounds like a great place, I wish we had one close to us!!!

  3. What an awesome concept. Sounds like a lot of fun!!
