When it comes to men in my life, there are not too many I hold dear to me. There is my loving and wonderful husband Curtis, Tom Selleck (hey a girl can dream), Ben & Jerry, and ......MR.CLEAN! Move over Brawny Man...there is a new guy in town.
I have been in love with those Magic Erasers that Mr. Clean has been making for a while now. My husband actually might be jealous of all the attention they get! They are the most amazing cleaning tool that any mom...well...any person can have.

My favorite thing I love about them is the fact that I don't need any chemicals to use them either. Especially when my daughter is wanting to be with me, I don't have to keep her away so she can't get high on 409! I don't need a strung out 5 month old having hallucinations and freakin' me out.
They cost about 3 bucks a box and you get two sponges for each box. They can last a little while, but you might go through them fast like I do, but I use them for everything. So, if you are having a hard time cleaning your walls, counter tops, stoves, tiles, even a bar of soap....it will get it clean or cleaner!
While definently he doesn't have the cleaning power of Mr. Clean....he isn't hard on the eyes either :)
I just love Mr Clean! I keep finding new things they work on!
ReplyDeleteI need to get some of those -- Son # 2 ran a permanent marker up the stair well yesterday!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing!
Yay! Magic erasers are the best! (Ben and Jerry, Tom Selleck...not so bad either!)
ReplyDeleteYes! They are my friend!
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting for a good-looking guy to show up on my doorstep and clean my house for me. A girl can dream...
ReplyDeleteThe Brawny man is better looking, but Mr. Clean gets the job done. =)
ReplyDeleteFunny how they're both represented by men, but men rarely use them.
I love the magic eraser too! With 4 kids I always have some on hand.
ReplyDeleteWe tell my dad that we could have a stranger pick him up at the airport just by telling them to look for Mr. Clean. He shaves his head and has the exact same build -and blue eyes!
ReplyDeleteMagic Eraser are awesome! Just don't let your little ones use them to clean anyting, they do have a type of chemical in them that can cause severe chemical burns on tender kiddy skin. They are great, used by mommies though :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love Magic Erasers. They really are magical.
ReplyDeleteRemember the old Brawny Man back in the day - he's definitely aged well :)
ReplyDeleteThe Magic Eraser was the first thing I found that actually cleaned the bathtub. (And Tom Selleck is definitely a keeper . . . )
ReplyDeleteHmmmm.... makes you wonder who the models were behind it. Kinda of like the Gerber baby.
ReplyDeleteI never used that magic eraser but I keep hearing about it all over the place. I think I'm going to have to give it a try.
ReplyDeleteOh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Those will definitely come in handy with my three boys. THANKS!
ReplyDeleteA man who cleans? Definitely a man after my heart!
ReplyDeleteHa ha, love the infatuous post. I LOVE magic erasers and keep them in good supply when I can.
ReplyDeleteBut I must say I like Ben&Jerry better than Mr. Clean. They are just so good to me. =)
I thought I was the only one in love with Mr. Clean. I love those magic erasers. They are truly magic. Just be careful of painted walls. sometimes I scrub a little too hard. The marks come off...but so does a coat of my paint- yikes!
ReplyDeleteMr. Clean is my man too. Nothing sexier than a man that cleans.
ReplyDeleteMagic eraser is my best friend. I cannot imagine what my house would look like wihout it.
I will have to try that!
ReplyDeleteI love Mr Clean too.
ReplyDeleteNothing cleans my hardwoods like Mr. Clean and some hot water!!
I will definitely be picking up a box of these for our bathroom tile which I hate to clean. Thanks for the heads up! :-)
I agree! The erasers are AWESOME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting...Lucy is a doll. Nice to meet someone else from the *HI and AK not included group. Does it cost a fortune to ship things there too?
ReplyDeletehere here! I love those things, too! We got all of the scum off of the kids outdoor toys with them.
ReplyDeleteTry not to make the hubs too jealous with your new boyfriend ;)
I am a huge Magic Eraser fan myself. Wal-Mart carries a generic version for almost half the price and the work just as well!
ReplyDeleteGotta love the Magic Eraser! It's the best thing to hit the cleaning scene since paper towels!
ReplyDeleteI've switched to the less-expensive, generic version and although they don't come with a muscle-clad man, they work just as well.
ReplyDeleteI thought you had a T13 about your guilty pleasures.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised by how many people love them along with you! I'm not a big fan of them simply because I'm so afraid of the kids getting near them...they can be very harmful to children...please be careful never ever to let your daughter (when she's old enough) 'help' you clean with them!!!
ReplyDeleteIf they made a cleaning product with a man in a thong on the front of it I'd totally buy it. Just thought I'd share.
ReplyDeleteHey I was looking up the information that some people have been saying about the Magic Erasers having a harsh chemical in them that burns children. I looked it up on-line and in the newpaper "The American Chronicle" and also on Stop Urban Legends both say that this is not true and that they are safe. Here is a link to the Ameriacn Chronicle article if you are interested.
but thats for the concerns and the heads up :)
I can't remember which blogger did several posts about her young son who got burns on his face from the magic erasers...let me see what i can find. it doesn't mean you have to stop using them...let me see what i can find.
ReplyDeleteI can one up the magic eraser... microfiber cloths from the automotive section. They work just as well, and you only have to get them wet. Bonus: they are reusable!
ReplyDeleteThese work so well on glass/mirrors too, use a wet one and a dry one. Seriously they are great.
I also use them on my face. They will take off water proof mascara with just plain water. They are a cheap microdermabrasion treatment. Try them. You can get a huge pack for pretty cheap.