A survival guide to everyday motherhood

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I am a photography fanatic. I love taking pictures, tweaking pictures, and finding the beauty in every day items

Monday, February 25, 2008

Witch Doctor

I'm not into echinacea, home remedies, or herbal pills. If I am sick give me good ol' Robitussin. I am no light weight fighter when it comes to beating off colds. I will fight hard and dirty! But my husband on the other hand came from a family that constantly used zinc tablets and vitamin lozenges. About a year ago he was introduced to something called Airborne, a pill like Alca Seltzer, that is filled with vitamins and such. You are suppose to take it when you feel a cold coming on and it is suppose to help boost your bodies enough to fight it off. But every time he took it I would roll my eyes just a little.

But soon, I found him trying to get me to take them too. Finally, he broke me down and got me to try it and I have to say that.....it might...maybe...kind of......works. :) It is hard for me to admit it, especially since Curtis has been trying to get me to take it for months now, but really it just seems to work. Just yesterday I got sick and was down on the couch most of the day. It was really hard especially since I didn't want to get Lucy sick, so I was having to not cling to her too much or kiss her. But I can only stay away for so long, plus I was super lucky today and she was great being left to her own entertaining, what are the chances that the planets will aligne perfectly again for that to happen?

But who would have thought that when my husband called and asked if there was anything that he could bring home that I would ask if he could pick up some Airborne....sheepishly asked...but still asked. So Curtis, this post is for you.... I have crossed over to your side.... slightly. I have tried your vitamins and come out a believer and will pass on the love.

So for all of you out there getting a cold, maybe already have a cold, or worried you are going to catch your loved ones cold....try it. If it doesn't work at least you can enjoy watching your drink fizz :)


  1. Its great that you have found something that will help, now if we could only get rid of the things altogether! Maybe someday the scientists will find the cure, I for one am keeping my fingers crossed on that one!!

  2. My husband loves it when I admit I was wrong...which is why I so rarely do it. Extra Kudos to you for admitting it PUBLICLY. You are a better person than me, clearly :)

    And thanks for the tip!


  3. I too am not yet "converted". I hear people talk about it and I just never thought it would really work. The next time I feel a little sickness coming on, I will jump at the chance to try it.

    Thanks for the hint.

  4. I've been skeptical of Airborn, but maybe I should give it a try! My mother swears by zinc tablets, but I just can't take them. They make me want to puke!!

    I will, however, say that I am becoming a believer of natural rememdies....we've been eating very healthy lately with no processed foods and have not gotten sick once this year. Knock on wood.

  5. Hi, we don't get Airborn over here but would love to know what is in it. I use Arnica all the time with the kids and it so works. Also, we are of the zinc vit c brigade and that works too i think! How annoying that Hubby was right though!

  6. You know,as I have gotten older, I have found that I am more and more open to homeopathic remedies. I have severe reactions and side effects to medications so herbal remedies have become something I have become more open to, to prevent me from suffering from those side effects.

    Glad you found something that works for you!

  7. I have been sick for a good week now. I think I'll give anything a try :-)

  8. Good to know because I have a "code(cold) in my dose(nose) dad(that) I can't get to go abay(away)".

    Seriously, I am going to try it 'cause I am sick and tired of feelin' sick and tired.

  9. My mom turned me on to Airborne about 2 years ago and it is GOOD stuff!

  10. That stuff absolutely works- I love it! Glad you tried it. :^)

  11. BTW, the adult varieties actually taste good, in my opinion, but the children's flavor is awful.

  12. I've never tried it but have considered doing so. I'm sure after you hung up the phone your husband had a nice laugh to himself. Good for you for asking him, many women wouldn't have.

  13. I am a teacher and this product is wonderful with a capital W! And it is never fun telling our husbands they were right. I myself try not to make it a habit-haha

  14. Im a vitamin C and garlic person! And wonder why i have no friends!!

  15. ♥ I havne't used airborne a ton but my husband has and seems to like it too. I wish I had tried it before I got this last cold...

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  16. I haven't tried it yet but I probably should

  17. Yep. I've heard that works really well too. I might just try it!

  18. We have Cold FX here and I find they really really work to ward off a cold if you take them when you first start to feel symptoms!
