A survival guide to everyday motherhood

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I am a photography fanatic. I love taking pictures, tweaking pictures, and finding the beauty in every day items

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Huggies Comercial

I found this and just thought it was funny and well, it also made me thankful that I have a little girl. Enjoy... and, well, sorry for all of you who can relate to this.


  1. Oh so true! My youngest peed on the floor cause I was putting his special cream on his arms and ears after his bath and becuase it is cold - as soon as I touched his skin with it he wizzed! Oops! And he looked down and said, "Weee".

  2. This has happened to me many times. You think I would learn!

  3. Hysterical!!!

    I.can. so. relate.

  4. i am thankful as well to have girls, but i was shocked when we brought abigail home from the hospital and she peed when her diaper was being changed, i thought only boys did that, well girls do too, it just doesnt go as far!

  5. Yep! How true! My youngest ruined 1/2 of my printed 4x6 photos because of his super soaker one day! LOL!

  6. LOL! I can relate! But I have to say that it has happened much more often to my cute husband!

  7. I can so totally relate. I've got 3 boys potty trained and 1 more to go.

  8. That is a lesson you learn very quickly when you have boys. Open the diaper very slowly and never leave it uncovered.
    Thank goodness my boys are older now.

    That commercial always makes me laugh.

  9. I see this commercial from time to time on tv and the first time I saw it I laughed so hard! I do have one boy, but nothing quite as bad as that ever happened!!! I just think the guy is a bit silly because he keeps taking the diaper off, come on man, he's still peeing! Glad I don't have to clean up that mess!

  10. That is so funny! Sometimes I think they time it for right when your face is over them. I think I am going to have to put that on my blog, it is so funny!

  11. That is so funny! When our son was a baby, we learned to cover him as soon as the diaper was removed to avoid this!

  12. This? Is why I am scared to ever have a boy. I know this would happen to me. That was hysterical!

  13. I love this commercial. So funny. And yep. That looks about right. ;)

  14. That was so hysterical! Although, since I'm having my first boy in September, it does make me a little nervous. I'll just cross my fingers that someone at my baby shower gets me a Wee Guard.

  15. i laugh everytime it comes on tv :)

    ps -hubby is now in love with bagelfuls too!! thanks friend!!

  16. So funny! I have three boys and my oldest was really bad! He peed in his ear and in his eye before! Thanks for sharing!

  17. I can't tell you how many times I've experienced this. (I have three boys.) I don't know if it's the cold air or what. I laughed every time. funny post. Thanks for the chuckle.

  18. i've never seen this before, but that is hysterical. so glad we have 3 girls, if only for that reason alone! i've heard many stories from my friends of boys!

    thanks for sharing! awesome!

  19. Cute! I love that commercial!!! And yes, I have a boy and that has happend to me on more than one occasion lol....

  20. I can say my son NEVER peed on me. NEVER! I am good like that! Or he just loves me!

  21. Yeah . . . we find out what we are having a week from Monday, and while I will be so thrilled with whatever we are having, I have to admit that commercial has me hoping for a girl . . .

  22. thankfully, i haven't gotten shot yet...it's been all hubby. he is only 3 weeks old though, so i give it time!

  23. ha ha! :) very cute!! :)

    I love your "family moment" picture!! It is so adorable!!!

  24. Hey, I tagged you in my blog, so you should check it out!

  25. I saw this for the first time yesterday and laughed SO HARD! While babysitting (a boy) I totally almost got peed on like that (maybe not such an intense "spray" LOL) and boy, did i learn my lesson! LOL

  26. That is so funny. I can relate!

  27. LOL! 2 girls here, never experienced that, ever! although that's exactly how I imagine it.

  28. My first baby was a boy and the first (of many) time he peed on us was while we were still in the hospital right after he was born. Talk about marking your territory!

  29. Hahaha! I laughed so hard at that. My husband didn't find it as humorous as I did. Probably because a similar scenario happened to him! :)

  30. It actually doesn't happen as often as one might think it would... I believe it was less than four times each boy in our case. And my daughter managed it just right when my husband was changing her at about a month old, and nailed me two feet away. That was a funny video. I laughed a bit extra at the part where the picture frames tipped over from the force of it. ha ha ha

  31. My son was this way! It was before they came out with the pee pee tee pee! LOL! I love that commercial! Cracks me up!

    Much love,

  32. I have never seen this commercial but we always laugh with my friend who has a boy about what happens when boys get a little air... lol

  33. Yep, as soon as they hit the air . . . However, I have to say that all the stories about boys being harder to potty train did NOT prove true at our house. Our girl refused to consider it until she was almost four. The 2 year old trained himself at the same time.

  34. OH lord can I ever relate!! heehee...thanks for the giggle on this otherwise dreary Monday!

  35. My nephew could always get the cotton wool balls when we changed his nappy!
