Everyone is different in their own ways. We all have things that we like and others that we don't. But yet we all have things that people laugh at us for liking, raising their eyebrows, or even "ewwwws". So, hopefully to make us all feel a little more normal, here is my list of 13 things I love, 13 guilty pleasures :) (
Please don't judge that most of the itms are food related, what can I say...I like food)
Top Ramen - A fine delicacy, I know, but still I can't seem to resist those amazing noodles and seasoning. Seriously, I practically have an addiction to this Eastern wonder. I actually don't buy it anymore because I will eat it too much. So I will only buy a package here and there and will also only limit myself that I can only eat it when my husband wants its too. Pathetic, I know, I have to set rules for my Top Ramen.
Velveeta Cheese - Ummm, nothing like fake artificial cheese to really make a meal. I don't know why I like it, even the idea of Velveeta cheese is kind of gross, but I still can't seem to resist its call to me. I love Velveeta cheese fondue, chili & Velveeta dip, and Velveeta mac & cheese. Seriously, if you haven't tried taking a can of chili and then melting some Velveeta in it, oh you haven't lived.
Calamari - I don't like seafood or I should say I
hate seafood; I don't even like to have the

smell of it in my house. But calamari apparently is a loop hole in my dislike of seafood. Come on,
SQUID, how did I find that delicious and yet fresh Alaskan salmon nauseating? I wish I liked fish, it is healthy, easy to find, heck even cheap for us now that we are back in Alaska. Yet the one loop hole to the sea food dislike is squid and not even health fresh squid, but it has to be FRIED. Way to be healthy!
Bite Size Candies - Oh wow a girl who likes chocolate....a shocker, but no I don't really like chocolate. I don't like candy bars, but I dooooo like bite size candies. There
is a difference! Believe me! If you handed me a Snickers, I would probably bring it home put it down and forget about it. And if I actually did eat it, I would probably make it to about the "ick" part in Snickers and leave it "ers" part for my hubby. So bite size snickers, dots, truffles....they are all good. I could eat my weight in any of them. I just have a weird obsession with getting as many bites out of something small. I think I am the only person who can make a bites size snicker into a 4 bites meal.
Chef Boyardee - Please don't shutter when you read what I write next, but ohhhhh Chef Boyardee...the sweet nectar of life. Give me a canned of raviolis and color me happy, I will be having my self a good afternoon. If you put in front of me a beautiful deli made sandwich with all the good toppings and a deli pickle even on the side and then a can of Mini Raviolis....I would probably choose the raviolis and not look back.
Tom Selleck - Okay I know he isn't a food, but he still is yummy. I am not the kind of girl that can just simply look at a guy and think "ohhhh he is sooo hot". I'm not really like that. I don't really find movie stars good looking either....like Jude Law....uhh....ewww. Matt Damon, he is a little funny looking, but seems sweet. But Tom Selleck....he can make me griiiin :) I don't know who could pass up Brad Pitt for Selleck, but I could. Tom Selleck is just an all American man and that to me is hot. I have always been just a tad bit embarrassed of liking him, my friends have all made fun of me when I get dreamy eyed when I watch "Quigley Down Under". What? A man 40 years older than you isn't something you think is hot....WEIRD!
Cadburry Creme Eggs - This is what I look forward to the most around Easter time. As soon

as the spring time decorations come out I start looking out for those eggs. You would think the idea of eating a fake raw egg would be sickening, but no..... it is delicious.
Pie Filling - Oh I love love
love pie filling. It can go on anything to make it oerfectly heavenly. Pie filling goes on waffles, ice cream, German pancakes, Tom Selle....oh um...never mind.
Canned Mushrooms - What can I say about the perfect snack? If I am

wandering through the kitchen and can't find something that I want, there is always my faithful can of mushrooms waiting for me. I love popping open a can, pulling out some chop sticks and going to town! I love how they taste sooo good (contrary to what my husband says), how I feel good because I am eating a "vegetable", and how low in calories they are. To me mushrooms = the perfect snack
Gossip Magazines - InTouch, Us Weekly, People! I love them all. It is hard for me to go grocery shopping and be waiting at the check out lane and NOT be curious about how Tom Cruise is keeping Katie trapped in their marriage or how IS Jennifer Aniston feeling about Angelina having another baby? Seriously ....who can resist? I just make my self feel better about getting the gossip magazine by then buying
Newsweek, it is my way of keeping the universe balanced. So, you're welcome.
Ranch - It is our families version of ketcup. Curtis and I both put it on everything.

We keep the ranch bottle out on the table more than the salt & pepper. Everything from meatloaf to quesadillas, to casseroles..... better with ranch. If you want a great mixture try mixing salsa and ranch....yummy in wraps and good with chips.
Fiji Water - I am not a water bottle person, please....I grew up in Alaska, our water tastes like liquid gold (that is suppose to mean good) and comes out ice cold....so I have never had a need for bottled water. But Fiji water comes in the coolest square bottles. Yep....that is it.....square bottles. That is why I like them. Silly. I know, but there you have it. I will get one, drink it, and reuse the bottle over and over again. What can I say....I am easily amused.

Hairspray - Yes, yes I use hairspray. And I'm not talking about spritz spritz, there I'm done. I mean I love hairspray.....80's STYLE! I have a sort hair cut and I like to flip it out and make it look funky and a little spiky...but when you have thin fine hair, it is kind of hard to style it. So what do I do? I add more lighter fluid to my hair then I would a BBQ. My husband likes to be warned when I am finished with my hair and need the final coating....he will then leave the bathroom. Sorry o-zone....I thinks it is all my fault.