Curtis and I decided that we needed to get a better toy for Lucy. She can't quite grab things to really entertain herself yet, but she is old enough to get board by just sittin

g there in a bouncy for a significant amount of time. I went in to Babries R Us and was looking for one of those interactive activity gyms where they lay on their back and play with all the dangley toys. But they are ridiculously expensive.
I went to Babies R Us and such and couldn't really find anything less than $50 and found some gyms as much as $80. So I said " NO THANKS" and was stuck. I needed something to entertain Lucy that didn't cost an arm and a leg and would entertain her more than a month.

That is when I stumbled across the 2-in-1 Infant Gym. It is a plastic three legged toy that works for baby laying on their backs and for older kids that can lay on their tummy for a long period of time AND for kids sitting up and playing. It has lights, music, toys, rattles, and ever a MP3 player that you can buy for it that will up load your songs and play those instead of the computerized nursery songs. Which isn't a must have, but it is a pretty freakin' cool addition, cause I would love to download the Jack Johnson soundtrack to Curious George so Lucy could listen to it....and maybe me too :)
It has everything you could possibly think of. Lucy will lay on her back and stair up at herself in the mirror and the toys hanging down are actually in reach so she can grab the

m and pull them , which starts the music up again. There are also lights that will shine different colors. PLUS a puppy and bunny toy hanging down. There are also rattles, clicky things, spinny things, and roller toys that are lined up along the lower extended arms that are stuck in place enough so they wont fall off, but easy enough for a kid to pull them out and play with them if wanted. But I really do love the fact that it has a volume button that actually goes up and down a bit of different levels's the kicker..... IT RUNS ON TRIPLE A BATTERIES!!!!!!!
So if you are looking for a new addition for you little one, might I suggest the 2-in-1 Infant Gym; made by Playskool. I got mine at Toys R Us for $39. Hopefully yours will enjoy it has much as mine.
Cool! I wish I would have known about that when colton was smaller!