Our brother-in-law got a video game called Guitar Hero for Christmas. I don't know

The point of the game is to get your band to play at gigs and to get money and a music contract, but later on in the game you find out that you basically sold your life to the music company. Through out the game you are
battling here and there rock legends, but at the end you have to fight for your life and win your soul back against the devil...ohhhhhhhh. And get this....you battle out over the song "Devil Went Down To Georgia". And man it is tough! But Fun!

It may not sound that good, but all of us were up till almost 1 A.M. trying to get our band past the next level. We were having to battle Slash with a guitar-off and we just couldn't quit. My hand actually started hurting a little and Curtis and I both had sore necks from getting so into it! It was great!

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