The other night I made baked potatoes, oh and not just ANY baked potatoes.... MY baked potatoes. Which pretty much consists of dumping anything and everything delicious on your spud. We sat down to eat our dinner and Curtis starts to dig in. We are both enjoying our meal and all of the sudden Curtis says,
"Did you pluck all of the eyes out?"
"Well" I said, "They weren't really big. I could barley see them, so I didn't bother"
Curtis looks down at his food and spits it out, "You do know that the eyes are poisonous, right?"
I laughed, "Ha ha, yea...right. Stores would have to put something on the bag if they were poisonous....they couldn't sell them if potatoes made you sick. There definently wouldn't be as many Irish and Polish people if that were true!"
Curtis shakes his head, "Well, um...I'm pretty sure they are, that is what my mom told me."
."I'm sorry Curtis, but I just don't believe it. Can't be true! I'll prove it...we'll look it up!"
And sure enough after some searching the web, we found it.... POTATOES CAN BE POISONOUS!
Apparently potatoes, if receive light or exposure to warm or cold temperatures will turn a shade of greenish hue. This will inform you that these little death spuds have released chlorophyll. The chlorophyll itself is not toxic, but with it comes a bitter toxic alkaloid called solanine. With these two thing combined they can cause problems with your circulatory and respiratory system. May cause diarrhea, headache, loss of sensation, paralysis, shock, stomach pain, subnormal body temperature, and even vomiting.
But don't worry your little heads yet; a person would have to eat, in one sitting, 4.5 pounds of potatoes to even get the first symptoms of solanine poisoning; which are drowsiness and itchiness behind the neck. But take into consideration that the greener the potato the less you have to eat to be poisoned and the smaller the child the less they have to eat.
The good news though if you do have some green potatoes you can simply peel it. A peeled potato is completely fine, so don't worry about wasting them. If they are green or have sprouts simple cut them in cubes and make "shake n' bake" taters. Which are a personal favorite of mine.
I hope this information doesn't scare you or keep you for from having those
Idahoan Killers on your dinner table. Because potatoes are great for you and easy on the pocket book. But, what can I say...I guess for potatoes it's not easy being green.

How many of you out there already knew this?
P.S. And just as a side fact, even after finding this information out, we still went down and finished off our dinners. So really it wont even give you a headache if you eat some. :)
I knew that you weren't supposed to eat green potatoes, but had no idea why - in the future I'll make sure that I stay well clear!!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. Thanks for sharing! =)
ReplyDeleteThis is really good to know. I'm pretty good at cutting off the eyes. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI had heard that the green part wasn't good for you but didn't know the details. Very interesting. I loved your pictures!
ReplyDeleteI knew that the green was bad for you, but never researched the why behind it... thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea. When I usually get a potato that is green I peel it. Just cause it looks yucky.
ReplyDeleteHowever, what does it mean when you get a fry that is green tipped or a green potato chip?
Haha, you are so funny. I had heard something about green on potatoes being bad so if I ever see it I just cut it off.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder Chris was acting weird after his 7 pounds of potato dinner last week.
Thanks for the info. I always cut out the eyes and green parts b/c they give me the heebie jeebies but now I'll be even more cautious, especially since we can polish off a few pounds of potatoes ourselves. We love those oven fries!! :)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea! I guess you'll have to thank his mother for saving your family. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I did not know.
ReplyDeleteI love potatoes. I make these fabulous twice baked potatoes with shrimp, sour cream, bacon and cheese. SO GOOD!!!
K. Now I want some potatoes.
I actually did know this one. It's not a big deal here because my kids will only eat mashed potatoes so I have to peel them all anyway.
ReplyDeleteI never knew that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought I knew just about every way there was to poison my family!
ReplyDeletePeople have told me about the sprouts, but I never, ever believed them. And I didn't bother looking it up. So thanks for doing my work for me - I guess I will be looking at my taters a bit more closely next time around :)
♥ I didn't have a CLUE! However it cracks me up... 4.5 lbs... HUMM don't think that's gonna be a problem.
ReplyDeleteYou know how many times I've had a slightly "green" potatoe while peeling it... I just peeled it off but didn't think anything of it... :)
By the title of this I figured you invented a recipe for a "Darth Tater" in order to get Curtis to eat more veggies...
ReplyDeleteNever heard of potatoes being poisonous! I am wiser now. Can you still get those Mr. Yuk stickers? I love those.
LOL! I figured it was because it was molding. I never cut the eyes out, does it matter if it's cooked?
ReplyDeleteI don't think cooking helps, but if you still eat them its not a problem. Our meal was tasting so good we still finsihed our off :)
ReplyDeleteI had no idea!
ReplyDeleteUsefull stuff!!
ReplyDeleteI always knew there was a reason why I hate potatoes to begin with!! Blah! My poor husband, I really should learn how to cook them for him, he probably gets tired of rice instead of potatoes because that is what I eat!! How are you guys up in Alaska now?
ReplyDeleteI never knew that! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat title and great post!!!!!! I haven't seen Mr. Yuck in years!!!
ReplyDeleteMr, Yuck is mean....
Mr, Yuck is green...
Ahhh, memories....
I love, LOVE potatoes. This does not frighten me. I never ate a green potato though cuz they just look nasty. Now I know they are BAD for me!
ReplyDeleteI knew it. I've been trying to convince my Hubby of it, but he doesn't believe it - I think mainly because he's from Idaho, and you know, potatoes are SACRED there. :S
ReplyDeleteYeah. I never use green potatoes, and I always cut the eyes out. I'm real particular that way. Hubby can't stand it, but I'm sensitive about my foods!
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving comments! I really appreciate it, and I hope you'll keep reading.
Your blog looks great (I LOVED your post about Date Nights!), and I hope you won't mind my attaching myself to it! ;)
I was all into answering the potato question until I saw Kermit and started singing that song!!
ReplyDeleteHallie :)
Mmmm, I call these candybar potatoes because after all the toppings they really are as good fro you as a candybar (and just as addictingly yummy).
ReplyDeleteI did know about the green potatoes but that is because of watching Aurthur on PBSkids. =)
Great find, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI so did not know that and I'm FROM Idaho! ARGH! The Idaho education system has done wrong by me! Oh yeah, thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours. It is so cute!!
ReplyDeleteI had no clue. But, I love me some potatoes so I'd better be careful. I think I could put away 4.5 lbs on a pre-menstrul day. ;)
ReplyDeleteNO WAY! I totally did not know this.......
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that but I do know that if you keep potatoes in the fridge the starch starts to turn sugary so they taste sweet, not great for a good roast potato!
ReplyDeleteInteresting facts, thanks you got me educated more on potatoes now. :)
ReplyDeleteI could totally eat 4.5 lbs. of taters in a single sitting.
ReplyDeletewow, who would have thought!
ReplyDeleteFeeling really stupid for not knowing something like that! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteOh and Kathryn - Thanks for making me want potatoes by mentioning twice baked ones! Yum.
You learn something new everyday, eh? Thanks for the heads up, Melissa. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have let my potatoes sit around long enough to become kermit-coloured, but did not know about the poisonous effects. Thanks for doing the research!
ReplyDeleteWho knew?
ReplyDeleteI have NEVER heard this - that's crazy. I made some the other day that were a little greenish (only hubby and I ate them) and had no idea. Thanks for the info!!
If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were making this all up! ;) Haha! Who knew?
ReplyDeleteI had no clue! (And I love it when other people do the research; thanks :)
ReplyDeleteYes I did know this already! Thanks for the extra bit of information though.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tatoes are smothered in cheese and bacon!
Well poo! I've eaten a green potato before but now I'll be more careful!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard this at all. Now next time I'll be poking the potatoes eyes out I'll be thinking of poisoned potatoes lol. Thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteMy DH told me this when we first got together. I was all like, no, potatoes can't hurt you! But he showed me the same info. I hate it when he is right all the time! LOL